Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Turn Discarded CDs Into Art

In times where creativity and reusable arts are rewarded and encouraged, we must take advantage and explore all possibilities, while having fun! So let’s explore, shall we?

As I was organizing old boxes in the garage a couple of weeks ago, I came across some old and scratched CD-Rs. That’s when the muse struck me and I decided to have fun with them, instead of throwing them away. You may be wondering what exactly I was thinking of doing with some old and scratched CD-Rs, well it was surely not trying to remove the scratches! I decided to re-decorate my patio with all new ornaments using these old and scratched CDs.

It is a good and simple craft to either gift or share with your loved ones, so here we go!

First, you will need a good amount of old and scratched CD-Rs. In case you do not have a collection as I did, you will need to purchase them first. I would recommend Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs since they are great to use for music, then when you get tired of them make a craft. Once you have the main ingredient for this fun project, let’s get a few ideas and the rest of the supplies to complete them.

My first idea was to make cool and chic coasters. Besides of being a great accessory to keep the table clean, they make great small presents.

For this project we will need:

1 Permanent Marker (any color)
1 Play-Doh Container (Contrasting color)
4 Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs (Preferably old and scratched)

Now, let’s get to work! Let’s color the CD’s top and bottom completely till we cover all trademarks, icons and logos. Then grab a small piece of play-doh, in this case I chose blue play-doh. We will roll the play-doh into a small ball and flatten between your hands. Paste it into the hole on the CD and push a small piece through it; enough to cover the hole and not let it fall off. Then on the topside, make a flower or star shape with the play-doh and flatten as much as you can. This will help the coaster to stick to the table and the cup, as well. Not only will it look gorgeous and creative, but it will also prevent the spillovers!

My second idea was a picture frame! How did I think of this? Well, I happen to have family pictures in our patio and I thought it would bring out the images even more.

To complete this project, we will need:
7 Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs
1 Super Glue Bottle

This is a very simple but chic ornament. First, let’s break 4 CDs into small pieces. I would recommend doing so in a plastic bag and keeping your face away from it, since the pieces could jump and hurt you. Then, on a flat surface let’s break the other 3 CD’s into halves, as this will create the base for the frame. Placing one by one, let’s stack the pieces with the clear side up. This will make the frame shiny and elegant. Stack as many as you would like, always keeping in mind the size of the picture!

For this third idea, I used most of my CD-Rs, but I was way too impressed with the inspiration and the project to back out. I ended up going through my current selection and found a few more CDs I was not interested in and so, I completed the third project: Dinner table centerpiece!

For this project we will need:

5 Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs
1 Super Glue Bottle
1 Wooden Oval Dish

The simplest project yet. Let’s just cut up the CDs and paste all along the outside of the wooden dish, clear side up. Now, there is an alternative to this project. You can also dip the broken pieces into difference acrylic paint colors and that will bring a variety to your centerpiece! I did both; while keeping one and reserving the other for a Christmas gift!

This fourth idea, I would think it’s very common and known, but it is still a beautiful project. Let’s make a CD-R Curtain! For this project we will need:

1 Case of Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs (I must confess, I purchased new ones, just for this project!)
1 Nylon Fishing Line Reel

Once we have this, we will start looping the nylon through the CDs, leaving one foot between CDs. Always measure the length and width of the door or entrance you will use this curtain for. Keep the shinning and clear side as the facing side of the curtain. You can always scratch off the top, so they are both clear. To make it shinier, add Vaseline to both sides.

And last but not least, the fifth idea consists of: Photo Collage! Yes, you read right.

For this project we will need:

20 Taiyo Yuden CD-Rs
1 Super Glue Bottle
1 Long piece of Nylon Fishing Line
1 Color Printer and
20 Favorite Pictures

In this case, you just need to print the images in round forms so they fit perfectly on the CDs. Glue the pictures to the CDs. Once we have the pictures on the CDs, we need to assemble the project. For this, we will just put them either side by side, or clip their edges together. Either way, this will be a phenomenal project that will surely call all your visitors’ attention.

I hope you have enjoyed these ideas and be sure that with just a tad of creativity, we can make beautiful yet affordable gifts for all in your life.

Nancy Artesia recently graduated with a degree in Journalism, and she is now working as a regular freelance writer, covering topics such as media, technology, and business.


  1. OlioresOsanc_fu-Evansville Penny Brooks Awesome


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo