The economic well-being of every community is dependent upon one simple thing: cash. When people are getting paid, things work out. When they aren’t, communities decline. So what’s the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to ensure that a community has money? Buy local.

Yes, I know you can’t get a flat screen TV that was made down the street, but your region is chock-full of products, services and worthwhile experiences that are better because they ARE local. Local isn’t a compromise. It’s about loving where you live and acting like it.
If you’re inclined to try spending more of your money locally, but are at a loss of ideas, here are a few useful websites that can help you find businesses you probably didn’t even know about.
And here are a handful of suggestions to get you thinking. Some are fun, some are practical, some are downright kooky, but all will keep more of your money right nearby, where it belongs:
A selection of great locally-produced items:
- Jewelry
- Photography
- Paintings
- Pottery
- Clothing
- Turkey or ham
- Baked goods
- Honey
- Maple Syrup
- Jellies and jams
- Local attraction guides
- Beer
- Wine
- Christmas trees
- Christmas wreaths
- Dog and cat treats
- Dog and cat accessories
- Candles
- Soap
- In-name donation to local charity
- Fudge and other sweets
- Fresh-roasted coffee
- Flower arrangements
- Gift baskets
- Cards and stationery
- A farm share of seasonal produce
- Christmas ornaments
- Books from a local shop
- Toys made by local craftsmen
- Home decor
- House plants
- Hand bags
- Hats
- Local food specialties
- Local coupon books
- Local business gift cards
- Car detailing
- House cleaning
- Dog and cat grooming
- Dog walking
- Poop scooping
- Landscaping
- Lawn mowing
- House painting
- Home repair
- Babysitting
- Gym membership
- Oil change
- Duct cleaning
- Carpet cleaning
- A pimped ride
- Laser hair removal
- Laser tattoo removal
- Chiropractor visits
- Furniture reupholstering
- Dry cleaning or laundry service
- Custom tailoring
- Home energy audit
- Errand running
- High school kid doing odd jobs
- Custom picture framing
- Tree trimming
- Home theatre installation
- New sidewalk, driveway or patio
- Family portrait
- Personal organizer or assistant
- Go out to eat, of course!
- Theatre tickets
- Sports tickets
- Catch some live music
- Museum membership
- Manicure/pedicure
- A day at the spa
- Matching tattoos
- Music lessons
- Dance lessons
- Deep tissue massage
- Winery/brewery tours
- Bowling party
- Go cart racing
- Indoor skydiving
- Cooking class
- Ski lift tickets
- SCUBA certification
- Martial arts classes
- Sleigh ride
- Ice skating
- Horseback riding
- Snowshoeing
- See a roller derby match
- Local hotel getaway
- Guided fishing trip
- Go out on the town in a limo
- Visit a fortune teller
- Painting classes
- Visit a comedy club
- Go gallery hopping
- Host a bouncy-house party
- Hire a clown
- Hire a charicature artist
- Have your holiday party catered
Mike Sobol works for, a national passport and visa expediting service. The company issues sameday passport renewals, child passports and travel visas to any country in the world.
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