Guest Post - John Zunski author of Shagri-La Trailer Park
With so many people charlatans promoting theories about 2012 and the end of the world, I figure it’s my turn to jump on the Armageddon Bandwagon. Please forgive me if I’m steeped in skepticism, corrupted by cynicism. Wait, that doesn’t sound too convincing, allow me to start over:
Should we be concerned about 2012? What should we do to prepare? Is our fate sealed? I take on these questions and more in this post. First, allow me to extend…
…My Qualification To Pontificate
Living in the mountains of Montana, I hear the universe talk to me! Yes, it’s true. Its voice isn’t obstructed by the noise of the civilization and its face isn’t obscured by the halogen cast of cities. Free of civilization’s distractions, the universe has proclaimed me its voice and charged me with the duty of sharing Earth’s fate. To those who hear my message, I offer a ticket to salvation! To possess a ticket, one must understand…
…Our True Genesis
First you must understand that our ancestors are not native to planet Earth! Shocking, but true! They have made their journey across time and space to escape nature’s greatest cataclysm- a supernova! We can trace our roots to the constellation Orion. Orbiting a star known by its Bayer designationAlpha Orionis – we call it Betelgeuse – was the original Earth. A similar theory of Earth’s colonization is trumpeted by Ronald Moore, the creator of the ‘real’ Battlestar Galactica. Yes, the original ‘Earth’ was destroyed when Betelgeuse went supernova. So what’s the…
… Significance Of December 21st 2012, As Predicted By The Mayan Calendar.
Successful in fleeing the interstellar catastrophe, our ancestors created a calendar which foretold the arrival of a gamma ray burst that will destroy our current civilization. That calendar, of course, is the Mayan Calendar. Our ancestors provided us with warning when we would need to leapfrog to the next cosmic lily pad. But, something happened. Something went terribly wrong. Our ancestors settled in Mexico, and be it the climate, the water, or any of a myriad of reasons, they became too lazy complacent to heed the warnings. They spend too much time procreating goofing off and forgot the technology. So…
…What Can We Do To Avoid Our Demise?
There are some among us who believe the cosmic cavalry is on its way to the rescue. For $38.50 you can purchase Biaviaan Symbols by Riley Martin. The artist claims these are boarding passes onto the mother ship. I have a cheaper solution to the…
…Conundrum Of The Ages
In the movies, Yoda would say: “Practice yoga, you must.” I say start stretching. Stretch A lot. In between stretching exercises, click on Cemetery Street and Shangri-La Trailer Park and for the price of $1.99 each, you can enjoy entertaining stories. Why between stretching exercises you ask? You better be good and limber when December 21st, 2012 comes so you can kiss your behind goodbye. Why those two stories? It would be a shame to die and not read them. Butt (Pun intended), leave a comment decrying my brilliance or lunacy and I’ll see that the two most creative comments receive a copy of either Cemetery Street or Shangri-La Trailer Park. Okay, if Riley Martin can do it, so can I. End of shameless plug. But…
…What If Nothing Happens On December 21, 2012?
The answer is simple. The Mayan who created the calendar was obsessive/compulsive and dropped over from a heart attack as he chiseled the infamous date thus creating chaos for future generations of suckers. Remember Y2K? Charlatans and hucksters over the world got wealthier off of fear. But what if my prophecy comes true? It’s been nice knowing ya!
** Oh my gosh John, but that was one of the most hilarious guest posts that I have had the privilege of hosting~!! Thank you MOST kindly for your groovy muse and may you continue to share and shine always~!! **
Want to win an eBook copy of either of John's books??
**2 WINNERS~!!** Leave your MOST creative comment on this post...John will go through the comments and choose the best one and one winner will win via Rafflecopter~!!
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Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo