Everyone is awaiting the fore coming Olympics eagerly. It's four years since we had the last Olympics and many will agree to the fact that the London Olympic will indeed be amazing.It is unfortunate that no one has ever bothered to take his/her time to get to know how security has been planned. With an increase in terrorism, London 2012 Olympics’ security has been a paramount concern to the competition organizers. They have been running up and down to ensure that every step a fun takes in the game is safe.
Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andywilkes/6916644487/
The Olympics security, Inc.
It was started in 1986 after it dawned to people that they need to be extra careful when having fun out there. Olympic security Inc. has provided ultimate security for many clients in the US and for the coming games they are even more equipped. They have a large number of highly trained personnel, unlimited communication between the team and clients and a skilled management team. Through a number of difficult situations, even those involving brutal killings and assassination, they have been able to be of immense help and have provided security in many business markets. They use upgraded CCTV cameras, patrol cars, unarmed security officers, access control, and many others.
Surface to air deployed to a different site
As compared to other Olympic competitions, the London Olympics has been planned in a sophisticated way. There will be a tight security for the games as it has been the concern of people that terrorist are now all over. Through the BBC, there were speculations as early as may as to how security will be managed in the London Olympics. Royal Navy has been deployed to Greenwich. This way, they will ensure that the HMS Ocean is safe to travel for anyone interested in watching the games. RAF typhoon fast jets have also been deployed in west London. They are piloted by highly trained personnel who will ensure that the sky is conducive for the games. In RAF Northolt, there will be helicopter armed with snipers. No matter where the terrorist is, a killer bullet will always be eying him/her. Jets and helicopters will be of considerable help because they are able to cover vast areas in an extremely short time as compared to other military groups. As the games continue, fast jets will fly over the widely expanded London, eyeing every activity taking place and reporting suspicious ones. As a matter of fact, the London sky will always be on close surveillance 24/7. In general, there will be more than 13,000 military personnel, operating every day in the London Olympics. There is an operational plan the military will operate on to ensure that every part of London is well covered. There will also be security personnel’s at the stadiums. Not all will be armed or be in official police uniform. They will intermingle with fun, and it will be difficult to identify them.
Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/welshgovernment/7176415434/
Safe Site Facilities have already been involved with security for the London Olympics delivering 540 concrete blocks to the Olympic park.

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Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo