Summer is here and now the kids are here with us parents full time. Well, unless they are going to camp. Now it is time to pull out the arts and crafts to keep them entertained and out of trouble yet what is there to do? This article explains five of the crafts that your children will not only enjoy but you will find yourself enjoying as well. The best part is they work well with children of almost any age.
Gods Eye
Gods Eye is one of the crafts that seems like it has been around for forever yet it is still something that children of all ages love to do and many parents find it to be a pretty fun and unique craft as well. Then, of course there is the fact that it is very budget friendly and it is not messy either. If you are looking for something that requires very little adult guidance this is the perfect craft for you to consider introducing to your children.
Pillows are another craft that can be fun for children of all ages. However, if you have younger children you will have to do the sewing to insure that they do not get hurt but they can assist with all of the other steps such as cutting the fabric and stuffing the pillow. Older children enjoy doing this as well. Not to mention this is a frugal way to replace the pillows in your home as well.
Yes, we all have that artist that lies beneath us all. No matter what age your child is you would be surprised to know that they are still interested in coloring. Coloring is something that relaxes the mind and with all of the different coloring print outs that can be printed offline it is the perfect craft to occupy your child’s time while you try and get some of the things that you need to do done without interruptions.
Since it is summer why not save some money and gather the kids together and allow them to paint their rooms instead of calling in a professional. It is something that you will have to guide them on but it is a fun thing to do as a family. They can feel as though they have helped you do something great while also being able to express their personalities in their rooms as well. Many ideas can be found online as far as design wise or you can even let them do something creative such as leave their hand prints on their walls. When it comes to teenagers they may feel as though doing this is an extra chore at first but you can be sure that they will get in the mood and start enjoying themselves as well.
Book Blanket
We all know that after summer school season will be back into full effect. So, why not save money on having to buy book covers and have your child make them themselves. This is another craft that is going to require your assistance when it comes to younger children because of the sewing put they can help out with the cutting and designing process. Older children will even enjoy this because it will help them make sure that they are unique and do not have the same thing as their friends when returning to school.
Overall, these five crafts are just starting points as to the thousands of crafts that are out there for you to introduce to your children. Just make sure to have fun as a family because one day these simple, budget friendly crafts will be what you have in your memory box.
This guest post comes from freelance writer Victoria. Victoria writes on a bunch of different children’s topics ranging from crafts to party bag ideas.

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Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo