
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

#SubwayBrave Twitter Party ~ June 27th ~ GROOVY PRIZES To Be Won~!!

Join our groovy friends at Subway this summer with another fun Twitter party and let's all power up for summer adventures~!!

SUBWAY and Disney/Pixar are teaming up to celebrate the upcoming launch of BRAVE which will be hitting selected theaters near you on June 22nd~!!

We are looking forward to talking about your Brave~inspired summer adventures:  How we ~ and our kids ~ will be enjoying healthy, fit and active fun~in~the~sun times~!!!!

Join everyone next Wednesday, June 27th at noon PST/3 pm EST and help spread the word by tweeting the phrase below:

Join our "Brave" summer adventures Twitter Pty! 6/27 noon PT. Prizes fr host/sponsor @Subway! RSVP #SubwayBrave

Who:  You and your friends!
What:  Clever Girls "Brave" Summer Adventures Subway & Disney's Twitter Party
When:  Wednesday, June 27  noon PST/3 pm EST
Where:  On Twitter~!  
Follow:  @CleverGirlsColl @subway #SubwayBrave
Prizes:  Subway Gift Cards (worth $50 and $75!) and tickets to see Brave in theaters!

RSVP to let everyone know that you will be joining the fun ~

And don't forget to tell them that Mad Moose Mama sent you along...have fun and enjoy~!!

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  1. Love Subway and look forward to seeing the movie!! Lo

  2. can't wait to join in! shared the love

  3. Love Subway, A fresh refreshing way to enjoy a meal or snack:)

  4. I love Subway and Love Brave the movie

  5. Such a great party! Thank you again!


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo