
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

PRODUCT REVIEW: ToiletTree Products ~ The Toiletry Bag

ARV ~ $25.00
ToiletTree Products first began with a simple holiday gift from Mom.  After receiving a fogless mirror set as a Christmas present in 2008, the innovative brain behind the company made it his mission to redesign the mirror so that it stood up to the heated pressures usually found in showers.  He wanted to create a mirror that was fog~free and had an unshakable wall adherence.  Steven, who was fed up with uneven shaves and just loved shaving in the shower, joined up with his father and brother to create the perfect shower mirror.

After many months of brainstorming and testing different prototypes, the three finally found a design worth manufacturing and in January, 2010, the ToiletTree Products were born.  

Today, ToiletTree have not only outsold their own dreams on the Fogless Shower Mirror, but they have since developed a Deluxe LED Mirror, an On~The~Go Mirror as well as nail clippers, face cleansers, oral irrigators and a beautiful collection of Bamboo bathroom acessories.  

ToiletTree Products is a family run company who take great pride in providing their customers with unique and innovative products of only the highest quality!

Now make travel even EASIER with this toiletry bag that is designed to organize all of your toiletries in one place while traveling.  This heavy duty bag has a large double zipper compartment for easy access, as well as a separate compartment on the bottom of the bag for storing.

Each toiletry bag comes with 3 TSA approved travel bottles ~ each are marked; Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash.  Also included is a toothbrush case and collapsible cup with pill holder making travel easier.  

The bag can also be used to hold makeup or medicine.  It is totally water resistant, easy to clean due to its nylon fabric interior and the exterior features reinforced double stitching with piping trim that is also easy to clean.

This is a really groovy toiletry bag~!!  It is very durable, looks great and there is more than enough room to carry everything I could ever need to travel with.  I love how everything is beautifully labelled and the collapsible cup is a wonderful idea and addition to a toiletry bag.  

I cannot say how much I dig the room that this bag gives you, you can fit a can of shaving lotion or hairspray and still have tons more room to add anything else you may wish.  I am impressed with quality and would recommend this to anyone who travels a lot and is looking for a bag that will encompass all of your needs, especially if your the type that finds it hard to travel light.

You could easily use this as a carry~on bag if your travelling by air or how about a gift for a mother~to~be as her hospital travel bag, you can even fit a book or some magazines in there for your bathroom reading material...;)

Now, we here at The Marsh and the wonderfully fine folks at ToiletTree Products would LOVE to give one of my readers the chance to win a bag of their very own Toiletry WANT to own this bag~!!

All you have to do is enter the Rafflecopter giveaway from below...if you have a Facebook account or an e~mail, then you are able to enter...just answer the mandatory question and your in to WIN~!!  It REALLY is that simple~!!  Have fun and good luck~!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I like the Bamboo 3 Piece Accessory Kit (Lotion Dispenser, Toothbrush Holder, Soap Dish).

  2. I would also like the Bamboo 3 Piece Accessory Kit

    belinda mcnabb

  3. I would love to try the fogless mirror

  4. i would also like the led fogless shower mirror.

  5. I would really like the Bamboo Bathtub Caddy w/ Extending Sides


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo