
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top 10 New Year’s Resolution and 5 Ways to Fulfill Them

Year 2011 is about to end; welcome another year!

The most awaited moment except Christmas is New Year. People all over the world usually celebrate New Year and even want to have a good reflection about the previous year. As a part of the reflection, we look forward for our New Year’s Resolution for betterment. To welcome the year 2012 and for better improvement of what we had in the previous year, here are the Top 10 New Year’s Resolution and 5 Ways to fulfill them that would help us to attain an improved life.

1. Spend More Time with Family and Friends
Many people lack in spending time with their family and friends and only focus on their job. This year 2012, make an extravagant to spend your time wisely with the one you loved and feel the true meaning of happiness.

2. Get Fit, Exercise More
Having a healthy body is far more important than being a wealthy. Regular exercise is a great help to have a healthy body and more balanced person. Go to the gym and explore! Your body needs exercise and so your mind does.

3. Lose Weight
Aside from having a healthy body, many people still aim to lose weight. In order for you to lose weight, it is very important to have a fix schedule in having an exercise, strong desire and good steps in claiming your aim. Never deprive yourself in joining such activity on losing weight. Be energetic!

4. Quit Smoking
There are many evidences that cigarette smoking can cause death. If you want more years to live for, quit from smoking. 2012 is a best year for you to start a new life.

5. Enjoy Life, Manage and Control Stress
You can easily manage your stress if you have time to enjoy life. Life is short and so you have to enjoy with it to the fullest. If you see yourself enjoying nightlife, then manage to spend time with it. It’s all about you who can manage and control your stress.

6. Manage Money and Control your Budget
Many people claim the arising crisis on our society. As a part of resolution, you can take control of your budget and make sure to use your money in a sufficient way. Don’t spend too much in buying your wants. What’s important is to provide your needs.

 7. Go to Sleep Earlier
Having sleepless night can cause unhealthy body. When there is no evening work, then go to bed early. Instead of spending your time in a nonsense activity, refresh your mind by sleeping early.

 8. Drink Less Alcohol
It is a fact that alcohol has negative effects in our body. It can destroy our hearts, liver and etc. Indeed, our body needs alcohol but it should be in proper drinking. Yes, drink less alcohol can be the best way to your new year’s resolution as a sort of carrying a healthy body.

 9. Eat Healthier
Start your year 2012 in eating healthy foods like fruits, vegetables and foods full of vitamins. You can make a list to manage your meals. Eating healthy foods can be very helpful for you to live your life longer.

 10. Be More Eco-Conscious and Recycle
After taking care of yourself, try to look your environment. Consider always our mother nature and be cooperative enough in preserving our planet earth. Recycle can also help but be keen enough to know its limits.

5 Ways to Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolution

 1. Start small and pick only one resolution
You cannot have it all at a time. Start with the simpler ones that you think you can.
2. Make a specific resolution
It is difficult to make it all. Choose one resolution and start it with a good desire. If you want to have resolution to quit in smoking, then do it seriously.
3. Make a plan for how to achieve your goals
Planning is a pre-requisite for you to achieve your desired new year’s resolution and goals. Be determined enough as you plan your goals.
4. Don't wait to start on New Year's Eve
Work as early as you can. While New Year is not year in the corner, plan your work and work your plan. This is now the best time to plan and work of it afterwards.
5. Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is much needed. Never allow yourself be discouraged if you failed at first. Remember that failure is a building block to move forward to success. Be positive thinker at all times.

This is a guest post by Frix of Scolex Portal. This coming New Year feel free to send New Year SMS text messages. 


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