
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snow-Capped Candy Canes Recipe~!!

Snow-Capped Candy Canes


50 ml (1/4 cup) margerine or butter
250 g (1 pkg.)  reg. marshmallows or 5 cups of mini's
2 ml (1/2 tsp.) vanilla extract (optional)
1.5 L (6 cups) Holiday Rice Krispies Cereal
250 ml (1 cup) white chocolate chips
5ml (1 tsp.) shortening


Regular Method -
  1. In a large microwave safe bowl, heat margarine and marshmallows at HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes.
  2. Stir in vanilla. Stir in KELLOGG'S* RICE KRISPIES* cereal until well coated. When slightly cooled, shape mixture into 12 candy shapes using buttered hands. Place on surface sprayed with cooking spray, or wax paper and refrigerate.
  3. In a small sauce pan over low heat, melt chocolate and shortening. Stir until smooth.
  4. Dip each candy cane into the melted white chocolate and refrigerate on a flat surface to cool. Best if served same day.
Stove Top Method - 

Melt margarine in large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Follow steps 2 and 3 above.

Cooking Time:  20 minutes (approx.)
Makes 12

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