
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spotlight - Daren Krupa author of Such A Nice Boy

Join Daren Krupa, author of the fiction coming of age novel Such a Nice Boy as he virtually
tours the blogosphere in July, 2011, on his first virtual book tour with Pump Up Your Book!

About Daren Krupa

Daren Krupa’s junior class English assignment was to write a meaning of life essay. All he could think was meaning of life? I’m fifteen years old. I don’t know diddley about life! The one lucid moment of his youth.

A native of New York State Krupa grew up in Phoenix and worked as a newspaper reporter and editor, waiter and telemarketer. At least a dozen novels have presented themselves throughout his life. Such a Nice Boy is the second he wrote and the first to be published.

Krupa lives in the Sonoran desert. You can visit him at his website If you would like to contact the author, you can email him at

About Such a Nice Boy
After love at first sight strikes gay Alan Hovey and married female co-worker Lindsey Ronan, Alan is outed, forcing both to face unresolved issues. Lindsey found her fiancĂ© with his lover boy half a lifetime ago and never got over it. Alan’s controlling mother made men an attractive alternative. When Lindsey’s feelings threaten her career she’s forced to confront her past and her marriage. When Alan seems to go nowhere with boyfriend Parker he questions his lifestyle and his fear of women. 

Title of Book: Such a Nice Boy

ISBN: ISBN – 13: 978-1461136019

ISBN – 10: 14611360

Genre: Mainstream fiction

Publisher: Daren Krupa

# of Pages: 290

It’s the summer of 1999 in Denver. Alan Hovey is living the life he dreamed: sex with handsome, buffed, eager men. Except he isn’t gay and it made no difference until he crossed paths with female co-worker Lindsey Ronan and her infant son Morgan.  He starts getting notions about Lindsey, and being a heterosexual father whenever he’s holding Morgan.

Lindsey is married and afraid of Alan because of a traumatizing incident during college.
At work Alan has become a pariah for having boldly stood up for himself. He draws the attention of Frank Lively, VP of HR, homophobic and deeply closeted. Frank tries to harass Alan into quitting.

After Lindsey verbally demolishes him while shopping for making eyes at another, Alan meets a young man who says you’re with me because you’re mad at Lindsey.

Alan becomes more confused after accidently seeing Lindsey at work with her blouse off, and displays a very obvious reaction.

The path Alan follows and the choices he makes form the heart of a boy who at age forty two becomes a man. He crawls out of a family upbringing filled with death and chooses life. His coming of age is unique and compelling.

** Disclosure: I did not accept any compensation from the sponsors other than review copies, my views are my own, reviewed by I see it~!! **

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