
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Inherit The Throne by Steve DeWinter

"Just like "24", only better!" "A female Jason Bourne!" -- Textnovel Readers Some lines should never be crossed. Living under a new identity in the tiny Northwestern tourist town at the base of Mount Hood, Melissa thought she had finally escaped her past. That is until an assassin tries to kill her and forces her back into a treacherous shadow world she vowed never to return. That same night an unmanned robotic SUV slams into the limousine of the Vice President of the United States and detonates with several hundred pounds of explosives. Melissa soon discovers that the attack on the Vice President and the attempt on her own life are related. And time is running out to find out who wants her dead and why she alone holds the key to saving the President of the United States.

Read my FULL review at:
** Disclosure: I did not accept any compensation from the sponsors other than review copies, my views are my own, reviewed by I see it~!! **

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