
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Head Trip by Jack Eadon

Ever heard of super fetation (Super Twins)?  Common in animals, it’s where one twin is conceived BEFORE the other, say, a month, then they are born together as twins.  One is a Preemie; the other is full term.  Through a lifetime, this one case of Super Twins zigs and zags as the two twins demonstrate their envy for one another, and the conception order influences how they see each other throughout their lives.

The book and the sin . . .
“Super Twins” are a perfect way to study envy, for they come from the same womb at the same time, but started differently.  The drama of envy starts in the womb when embryos battle for their position, then are born and live together, always trying to outdo the other, one more guilty of envy than the other.  HEAD TRIP is a dramatic study of envy that, because of the details, fuels many surprise directions.  The plot itself is loaded with many strongly metaphorical scenes that completely define character in a robust way.

Read my FULL review at:

** Disclosure: I did not accept any compensation from the sponsors other than review copies, my views are my own, reviewed by I see it~!! **

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