
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Survival of the Smartest; The First 72 Hours by Aaron Turpen

Survival of the Fittest Smartest:  The First 72 Hours is a manual for surviving natural disasters.

What would you do if a natural disaster occurred??  Would you know what to do??  Where to go??  What basic supplies you need to have on hand??  NO??  Then this book will give you all the answers you need and more.

Between the covers you will find useful information such as, escape routes, food, shelter, clothing, first aid, how to shut off your utilities, evacuations, government assistance plus so much more.

This 101 guide to emergency preparedness is a short read, touching only the basics but giving plenty of information in which to continue your own research.  You will find information about preparing for Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, nuclear disasters, viral outbreaks, tsunamis, hurricanes and even volcanoes!  This is a must have if you haven't a clue on preparing you and your family for an emergency!

I loved the cover, it's very "in your face" and definitely explains to the reader what is to be found within its pages, there is no misleading here.  I found the information helpful but couldn't help thinking that much of the information I read was already on the Internet for free if one just takes the time to research it, however, if your not that type of person, then Aaron Turpen has gathered all the important things to know and put them all in this eBook!

I liked how Aaron tells the people to not always trust the evacuation procedures of the government, if your place if well fortified for the disaster and you haven't need of leaving, then use your own judgement in such situations.  Spending my time in some tent city when its not needed, would be detrimental to my well-being.

Another thing I got to thinking about as I'm reading this on my computer, how would I be able to access this book in time of need??  Having an emergency preparedness book in electronic format seems kind of silly, especially when electricity is usually the first thing to go in times of disaster.  This book NEEDS to be in print format for it to be effective, in my honest opinion!

All in all though, there was much in this book that needs to be shared and if you are concerned, especially with all the natural occurrences happening today, then this book is a needed addition to your library!  Just make sure you've copied all the pertinent things down into another hard copy outlet, or it won't help you at all when you need it most!

A new electronic book from Aaron Turpen and, Survival of the Smartest is a detailed guide to getting through any disaster, natural or man-made.

Being ready for hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and financial collapse are all things that many Americans are now taking seriously.

This growing trend of "preppers" has seen, often first hand, that government and even emergency services cannot be counted on to be there when disaster strikes. Taking the initiative to be prepared is the best way to find security for you and your family.

The guide walks through:
  • Keeping Your Head During Emergency Situations
  • Making a Disaster Supply Kit for Your Family
  • Shutting Off Your Home's Utilities In An Emergency
  • Dealing With An Evacuation (whether you go or not)
  • Specific Disaster Situations like:
  • Earthquakes
  • Floods
  • Hurricanes and Tornadoes
  • Nucelar Incidents, Tsunamis, and even Volcano Eruptions!
  • And Much Much More
You'll learn how (and why) to make a 72-hour Bug Out Bag, an in-home disaster kit, and even kits for your vehicles.

For the beginning prepper who's just starting out, everything you need to know is included and ready to go. Most can have their initial preparations (and the peace of mind that comes with them) within hours!

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