
Friday, June 8, 2012


Tyler Ornstein was just sixteen years old when he decided to pursue his aspirations.  He told his dad that he wished to be an entrepreneur and with the full support of his father, he ventured into the unknown.  When his father asked him, "Tyler, what are the two biggest commodities in the world?", he had no idea what to tell him.  After some extensive search he came to the conclusion that it was either oil or coffee and seeing as the oil industry was out of his league, he choose the latter.

Sample Packs ARV ~ $6.00
After receiving some sample packets of coffee from Bosnia from a friend of his father's, Tyler agreed to sell them door~to~door.  After the first two cases were sold, Tyler was hooked and with the continued aid of his father and their mutual friend, the foundations for "Tyler's Coffee" were laid.

For years afterwards, Tyler struggled to prove himself in the business world, he was young and he had much to learn and maturity was gained through this knowledge.  When AJ's Fine Foods of Tuscon gave Tyler his big break, the success of his brand Tyler's Coffee was phenomenal and sales have been growing ever since.

Tyler's Coffee is the world's first ACID FREE Coffee.

Roasted from 100% Arabica Beans with "Z~Roasting" ~ a unique roasting process in which a computer roasting system optimizes the roasting time of the coffee beans giving a coffee with a high level of caffeine and no acid.

Benefits of acid free coffee include tooth enamel protection, fewer cavities and no digestive issues.  This includes people who suffer from sensitive stomachs, acid reflux, ulcers and other digestive problems.  Easily enjoyed by anyone with digestive repercussions~!!

ARV ~ $30.00 Weekly Supply

 “If the acid level of the saliva stays below the point for an extended period of time, the outer layers of tooth structure begin to lose minerals and a cavity can from. Beverages that are high in sugar and acid content can cause the pH level of the saliva to reach this critical point. Drinking no acid coffee is a good alternative to high acid beverages."
-Dr. T. Richard Ziehmer, a dentist in Tucson, AZ
A cup of java can mean a huge problem for stomachs.  Acid levels in coffee, as well as impurities and resins, may wreak havoc on the digestive tract.  You will be relieved to learn that those with sensitive stomachs can now enjoy a great cup of coffee whenever they want.

I personally do not drink coffee, never have and I doubt I ever will, so I had to interview others who did drink the coffee for me so that I may get their personal expressions.

I choose people who loved coffee and a couple even had stomach issues so that I could get a nice blend of conversations to share.

The majority of the people involved really liked the flavour of the coffee, only one said nothing will ever beat Tim Horton'  

Everyone with stomach issues were thoroughly amazed how it didn't make their stomachs feel out of sorts and there were several heads nodding as each sipped their coffee.  One woman menitoned to me later on that it didn't make her feel the need to rush to the bathroom drinking it as other coffee does.  She was quite impressed with this as her weak bladder conditions her to empty her bladder upon drinking her coffee and after drinking Tyler's Coffee her need to urinate was not urgent giving her an enjoyable and relaxing affair with her coffee.

I'm going to have to say by the results that Tyler's Coffee does purport to do what it expresses and aids those with sensitive stomachs while delivering a truly great tasting coffee with loads of zing~!!

post signature **  I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.  **


  1. I'm like my coffee hot with cream.

  2. I love my hot coffee with a couple drops of vanilla stevia and almond milk!

    Anne Taylor

  3. I drink my coffee strong and black. No cream, no sugar.

    Jennifer Rote
    wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

  4. I love my coffee dark roasted and strong with cream
    cleaningrhouse at yahoo dot com

  5. I drink it with lots of cream and sugar. And in latte form.

  6. This time of year I like a dark roast coffee over ice
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  7. I like my coffee strong, black and with a little sugar.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  8. I like my coffee black.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  9. for me it is with flavored creamer, sometimes a bit of sugar. always over ice.

    dani marie


  10. I like to drink my coffee black most of time, but occasionally I like to have it with a flavored creamer.

  11. I drink it hot with creamer, and 3 icecubes in it.

  12. I drink my coffee with a small amount of mile or half and half and no sugar. Sometimes I use the flavored creamers and sometimes I'll add my own flavoring by putting vanilla extract or cinnamon in with the grinds before brewing.

  13. It depends on how I'm am feeling that day. Somedays I like it just black and others I like to put a flavored creamer in it for a treat :)

  14. I drink my coffee with sugar-free flavored creamer.

  15. I drink my coffee black and I love it as strong as possible!
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  16. I drink my coffee black. That way, I get the full bodied taste.

  17. i drink my coffee with LOTS of cream and sugar

  18. I drink my coffee with a little skim milk spooned in.


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo