
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Grab a Brazil Nut for a Healthy Heart

Nuts are known to benefit the human body in more than one way. A diet is said to be incomplete without the inclusion of nuts in the same. These nuts however are very high in calorific value and thus should be substituted with other high calorie contents. If this substitution is not properly executed, it could cause damage to the body. But when this balance is closely maintained, the presence of nuts in the diet can be highly advantageous. This is because they are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, all of which work in coordination with each other to improve overall health of the individual.

One such nut is the Brazil nut which has been known to reduce the chances of the heart disease. The study in this section remains incomplete and research is still being carried out to confirm the benefits, as well as the limitations of this nut. Some of the benefits of the nut have been successfully established, all of which help to complement the heart and make a person feel healthier in spite of a heart disease. Since heart disease is a global killer, the need for such remedies is extreme. The Brazil nut is known to have large amounts of copper, magnesium, selenium, niacin, and fibre. All these work together to bring the body back to its original condition and make the heart stronger.
  • Copper: After many research studies and arguments, the uses of copper have been closely understood by scientists. Copper plays an important role in reducing the effects of coronary blockage and subsequent heart disease. The first findings stated that animals with heart diseases had less copper in their heart after their death. However the years of research helps to understand whether this copper deficiency was a cause of an effect. Copper has been known as a main component in heart health because there are a number of proteins, which are closely dependent on copper. It affects the physiological factor in the protein without which it would be impossible for protein synthesis to occur. This would put pressure on the body due to lack of nutrition, blood supply and energy, thus making the heart work more till it finally gives up.
  • Niacin: This is a component of vitamin B which is widely used by the body to convert carbohydrates to energy. Without this nutrient, it is not possible for the body to withdraw energy from the carbohydrates in our diet. If these carbohydrates are not digested, they store themselves in the body as fats, and may also accumulate around the arteries of the heart, thus causing blockage and eventually disease of the heart. It can also help to increase HDL – the “good” cholesterol – in the body, while decrease the LDL as well. These changes in cholesterol level gradually decrease the risk of heart disease and death from the same.
  • Fibre:Fibre is a kind of carbohydrate which cannot be digested by the body. It simply passes through the body system and is excreted. However the advantage is that it is highly water soluble. When it is passing through the body, it mixes with body digestion and excretion fluids, thus carrying foods and digestives with it. These water soluble fibers also carry LDL with them out of the body and bring the heart back to its original health. It has been established that every 10-gram increase in fibre content in the diet can help to reduce heart disease up to 27%.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium helps to coordinate activities between the heart and nervous system by efficiently coordinating the two and maintaining steady rhythm. It also helps decrease the muscle spasm in the chest and heart, thus reducing angina. It relaxes blood vessels and allows blood to flow freely which reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Selenium: Selenium can effectively counter react with the effects of “bad” fatty acids called CHD and also modify other fatty acids in the diet which otherwise would cause blockage and weight gain. This effectively reduces the risks of heart diseases by reducing pressure on the heart and allowing enhanced health benefits.
All these benefits are coupled together to protect the heart from diseases when one consumes Brazil nuts with that motive. But it is crucial to keep a check on the amount of Brazil nuts being consumed because they would also inject calories and fats into the blood stream, which is not counter balanced with the other components of the diet, could simply prove to be counterproductive.

The post is shared by Jefferey Morgan, he is a registered dietician who is deeply involved in his field. He is of view point that what we eat has profound impact on our health. Visit his site to gain insights on bulk nuts and bulk almonds.

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