
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Comestic Dentists ~ A History Of Smiles~!!

Cosmetic Dentists have been around since the beginning of civilization in the Indus Valley circa 7000 B.C.  In those days craftsmen would use bow drills to correct necessary teeth abnormalities, and we still use such techniques to this day.

Ancient Sumerian texts dating 500 B.C. had spoke in detail on worm tooth and how to solve the issues therein, as well there were also such practices in China, India, Japan and Egypt.  One of the most common ancient cosmetic dentistry procedures was teeth whitening, even in our yester~years, having white teeth was very important to one's overall appearance as it signified one's wealth and status.  Early uses of acids and even urine were used to create white teeth and replacement teeth were often made of wood.

As early as the 6th or 7th century, the Etruscans were using gold bands to help wrap replacement teeth into the mouths of their patients, sometimes these teeth were made of wood, however, sometimes they were from an ox and or even human teeth were used.  

Toothbrushes have been in recorded use since the 14th century and were usually made of animal hair and unsanitary in its useage and it wasn't until 1938, when DuPont created the first nylon toothbrush, that dental hygiene took a rise as tooth upkeep was made more readily available to everyone and not just an advantage for the wealthy.  

The Aztecs used to mix iron fillings, navel lint bake and water and insert that into cavities in order to stop tooth decay.  In the past fillings were made from gold, amalgam and other metals but today teeth are usually set with porcelain or other similar substances that closely mimics your own tooth's surface.

Cosmetic dentists offer many services to any dental work that improves your appearance and not necessarily your teeth's overall functions.  Common cosmetic practices include teeth whitening, tooth reshaping, bonding, dental bridges, bite reclamations, implants, gum lifts and veneers to name just a few of the options available to better improve your smile

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way from the days of using other people's teeth secured in your mouth to look and feel better about yourself, however, practices from yesterday are still in practice today, showing that sometimes things just aren't meant to be fixed.

post signature**  This is a sponsored post for Dental Bliss, however, all the points and views are my own.  **

1 comment:

  1. It can contribute to general health and well being too. Thanks look for Barrie Dentist.


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