
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Clive Palmer wants to build the second Titanic

Clive Palmer is one of Australia's richest men. Having made his billions from mining he now wants to build a modern-day version of the Titanic. Naturally this will be called Titanic II. Mr. Palmer told waiting media representatives that his plans involve starting work on the ship around November 2013. Building work on the ship is expected to take around three years and it will set sail at some stage in the latter half of 2016.

Mr. Palmer wants the vessel to be as identical as possible to the original White Star Belfast-built original. The 58-year-old oligarch also owned Gold Coast United Football Club and his wealth is said to be around $600m Australian dollars. Building work will be complex but the Australian-born multi-millionaire has held talks with a ship building company, CSC Jinling Shipping with a view for them to build the ship.

Mr. Palmer says Titanic II will have every thing on board the original Titanic enjoyed with one major improvement. His Titanic will be fitted with all the latest technology and on-board computers. Its design and installation are said to be state-of-the-art and all the very latest up-to-date technologies and GPS systems are to be fitted. All rooms and cabins are likely to have Wi-Fi access and the major building project will come just a month or so after the 110-year commemoration of the original Titanic which sank in the North Atlantic in April 1912.

Titanic | Image CC Attribution Generic Commercial - Elsie esq

The maiden voyage was due to sail from Southampton, in the English Channel to New York. The vessel was the worlds biggest at the time and Mr. Palmer was asked by Australian media if his maritime building concept would sink like the last one. He angrily told media it would if someone "put a hole in it".

If all goes to plan then Mr. Palmer will launch his building project to end all building projects in 2016 when he will see it launch from London to New York. Mr. Palmer has been tight-lipped on the cost of construction and building of the second Titanic. The mining magnate is closely linked in the building and mining industries with the Chinese government.

Mr. Palmer already owns a luxury holiday resort on the Sunshine Coast and says he wants to build more ships in time. It is believed a series of luxury cruise liners are in the plans being drafted by Mr. Palmer's team.

Queensland Home Improvements is a builder in Brisbane, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Gladstone and Townsville. QHI office is at 320 Adelaide St, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

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