
Friday, May 25, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: Summer Fit Series Grade 3 ~ 4

Summer Fit:  Exercises for the Brain and Body While Away from School

Author:  Kelly Terrill and Sarria James
Paperback:  125 pages
Publisher:  Monkey Feather Books; Worldbook Edition (April 2011)
Recommended ages:  Grades 3 ~ 4
Language:  English

Activities in reading, writing, math and language arts.

Daily exercises focus on aerobic, strength and sport to challenge the body~!!

Core Value activities highlight the lives of inspirational leaders including Harriet Tubman, Mother Teresa and Ghandi to build social and life skills~!!

Sign up for the MLS W.O.R.K.S. Active Bodies Active Minds program at or and be eligible to win autographed merchandise from Major League Soccuer clubs and players~!!

Children can lose up to 2.5 months of classroom skills during the summer vacation while at the same time becoming less physically active without school and classroom routines.

Available for Preschool to Grade 5.  Based on National Standards and teacher recommended.

Get Your School Moving with a Purpose ~

I absolutely LOVE these series of books.  I had the privilege of reviewing the Summer Fit Grades 1~2 last year and was very happy to be on board for this tour also.  

My youngest daughter LOVES to participate and excel with exercise type books.  She was very excited when this arrived and remembered from last year when she helped me review the Summer Fit Grades 1~2 book.  

Each exercise program is broken down by weeks, highlighting each day during the week and exercises for that day to help keep your child's brain stimulated.  You will get a preview page explaining what is coming up for the week and what you will be focusing upon.  

Then you have to write down three things each week to show your value.  From there you will have a brain exercise and a physical exercise.  Each exercise page gives one a choice of three activities to participate with from easy to hard.    Then back to the brain as one focus' on math questions.  Simple and easy and gives your child just enough stimulation to keep the brain's muscle working correctly.

Also dispersed throughout the pages are memorable and inspirational quotes from many people of all walks of life.  Terry Fox, Rosa Parks, and Lewis & Clark are but a few of the people who share their thoughts.  Plus you learn groovy things about surfing, the world and so much more~!!

The whole process wouldn't take any more than half an hour a day and your child truly doesn't feel like they are doing school work.  The activities are fun, educational and inspirational too~!!

post signature**  Reviewed by I see it~!!  **

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