
Thursday, May 31, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: A Most Unsuitable Match by Stephanie Grace Whitson

A Most Unsuitable Match

Author:  Stephanie Grace Whitson
Paperback:  336 pages
Publisher:  Bethany House Publishers (August 1, 2011)
Language:  English

An unlikely attraction occurs between two passengers on a steamboat journey up the Missouri River to Montana...

She is a self~centered young woman from a privileged family who fears the outdoors and avoids anything rustic.  

He is a preacher living under a sense of duty and obligation to love the unlovable people in the world.

She isn't letting anything deter her from solving a family mystery that surfaced after her mother's death.

He is on a mission to reach the rejects of society in the remote wilderness regions of Montana.

Miss Fannie Rousseau and Reverend Samuel Beck are the opposites in every way...except in how they both keep wondering if their paths will ever cross again.

I found this to be a very enjoyable romance novel and I am not usually all that fussy about them.  I liked the characters within the pages and found Fannie to be a charming young lady.  The books description is totally wrong for the person found within the pages, I wouldn't say she was self~centered at all, sheltered yes and I never seen where she was afraid of the outdoors nor anything rustic, to me, it seems she was always trying to break the male stigma's of women.

I found her to be a courageous and caring women who was thrust into maturity before she felt she was ready.  After her mother dies, Fannie is left with the care and upkeep of her family home and family name.  Her accountant wants her to find an eligible bachelor before her money runs out and she has nothing to bargain with, his choice in men leave Fannie feeling nauseous.

Fannie wants to meet her heart's echo, just like her best friend Minette has done.  After a few failed attempts at romance, Fannie comes to realize that she many never find a man that makes her heart sing.

Samuel does not start out as a Preacher, nor is his mission to help those in need.  He has set on his journey to find his run~away sister who he has learned has hooked up with an Army Major.  Along the way, he meets Fannie and after a terrible accident on a river boat, he becomes her guardian angel and protector.  After encouragement from his friend, Lamar, it is then that Sam begins to preach the word of God and his future seems to be set before him.

Many trials and tribulations happen along their journey and you will enjoy the relaxing flow that author, Stephanie Grace Whitson, writes and intrigues her readers with.  It's a delightful tale of coming of age, finding yourself and falling in love.  I would give A Most Unsuitable Match a four out of five stars.

post signature**  Reviewed by I see it~!!  **

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