
Thursday, May 17, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: Anything Is Possible by Thomas Bahler

Anything Is Possible:  A Tale of Æsop

Author:  Thomas Bahler
Paperback:  196 pages
Publisher:  Aesop Production Company, LLC (June 17, 2011)
Language:  English

Anything is Possible is a fascinating fictional account of the life of the famed creator of Æsop's Fables, a brilliant storyteller and eterenal optimist who lived around 600 BCE.

The novel begins with Æsop's birth as a slave, covers his long quest for freedom and examines his service to the richest and most powerful man in the world.  

Author Thomas Bahlar is an award~winning composer and entertainer.

"A thought provoking exploration of freedom.  It will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of a better life." ~ Quincy Jones

I cannot even begin to tell you how fantastic this read was for me.  I have always been an Æsop fan, ever since I was a wee lassie, my eyes could not read enough of his literature.  My teachers thought I was a rather odd child, they had never met one so young who dug Æsop as much as I did, one could almost say his teachings guided me throughout life.  It was because of this love that I was more than eager to read this fiction account of what could have been Æsop's life.

The writing style is majestic in its flow and the reader is quickly immersed into the passages and transported away to ancient Greece where philosophy was the rule of the day and wars were won, not with brawn of strength, but with minds and during 600 BCE, many great minds flourished.

I fell immediately in love from the onset on how he describes his mother with such abandon and unconditional freedom.  Æsop rarely feels sorry for his lot in life and chooses to believe that anything is possible as he eagerly grasps life and embraces all that comes his way.

Along his journey, he becomes slave to many important people, people who regard him as a friend and counsel and over the years, he proves his worth, not only to those who adore him, but to the people of his land also.  

I eagerly read each page while dreading that the book would eventually end and I would have to put Æsop's story away and even after having read it and talking about it here, I have been transported to within the pages and feeling the words of the author as the expressions I read wash over me in warmth and happiness.

Thought~provoking is truly the right description to credit Anything Is Possible with as it remains a part of your soul long after you have finished the pages.  One can almost believe the statement as you begin to apply  it to your own life situations, so not only was this a great fiction read, it makes you think and for some, it may even change their lives.

I thank Thomas Bahler very much for picking this book off of his dusty shelf and finishing Æsop's journey so that I may have the honour and the privilege to have read it.  You sir, did a very remarkable job in the writing of this story and I would give you more than five out of five stars if I were able.  Thank you for your muse and may you find another inside to share with us also~!!

post signature**  Reviewed by I see it~!!  **

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