
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Bible Bee Family Discipline Challenge

At times, it can feel overwhelming and intimidating to think about providing Biblical learning at home.  We often think we are unqualified, too busy, or that our kids won't listen.  But, we miss the greatest gift as parents if we don't disciple our kids.  Deuteronomy 6:7 is clear about our responsibility to teach our children God's Truth, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
The Bible Bee Family Discipleship Challenge provides a way to get resources and encouragement as you study with your children.  The Challenge is created by The National Bible Bee and it's ministry partners. 

Step 1:  Register your family for The National Bible Bee.  You'll receive a box on June 1st filled with everything you need to complete the challenge.  The National Bible Bee begins June 1st as contestants learn to inductively study a designated book of the Bible through the Bible Bee’s exclusive “Sword Studies” and memorize Scripture with the help of their Bible Memory cards.
Step 2:  Complete the 12-weeks of study and participate in a local Bible Bee Celebration Day near you on August 25th.
Step 3 (Optional):  If possible, report how your family is enjoying studying the Word together during the summer.  It can be a quick post on The Bible Bee Facebook page, a tweet, or a post on your blog (email us a link to your post).  Just make sure you use the hashtag #BibleBee--that way we can be inspired by each other's progress through the summer.
Prizes:  The Bible Bee comes with an amazing list of prizes for those that compete on at Nationals (visit to see the details). But, there are opportunities to win family discipleship resources throughout the summer by keeping us updated on your progress (as described above).  We have amazing gifts from our ministry parters your family including: Seeds Family Worship,Christian Focus PublicationsFranklin Springs Family Media,FamilyLife, Vision VideoWorthy PublishingWell-Versed Livingand more!

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Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo