
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vamplayers by Rusty Fischer

Vamplayers is a YA Paranormal Fantasy.

  • Reading level: Ages 12 and up
  • Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Medallion Press; Original edition (December 13, 2011)
  • Language: English
When Lily Fielding is turned, she has no idea what is happening or why, all she knows is that Rick Springfield's "Jesses Girl" is playing in the background as her and her mother are overcome by Vampires.  As she watches her mother try to devour her, Lily prepares for her death but is saved by the Saviours and becomes a Sister at the Afterlife Academy of Exceptionally Dark Arts.

There are two paths one can follow at the school, either become a Saviour or a Sister.  Everyone wants to be a Saviour, a select group of people who hunt and destroy vampires.  However, Lily is just a Sister of The Sisterhood of Dangerous Girlfriends and to add to the insult, she's third sister to Cara and Alice and truly has no say in any of the adventures the girls find themselves upon.

When the girls are given their next mission, going undercover in a secluded, posh high school, the girls believe the job will be an easy one as they plan their identities.  However, before the first day of school is over, Lily is on her own as her sisters get wrapped up in Bianca, the socialite who has it all while Lily follows Tristan, the Vamplayer looking to turn the whole school into a bloodfest.

Lily is unsure who to trust and she cannot figure out why her sisters are acting weird, almost like they have forgotten their mission and who they are.  Lily believes Tristan may have something to do with this and continues to bait him, however, along the way, Lily's own feelings come into play and she must come to realize that what she has come to believe all along, may not be what it seems.

When Lily finds herself fighting a Royale vampire of the oldest blood, she must use all of her skills and wits, for her sisters are not there to help her and there is no way to contact The Saviours to come and bail them all out. 

I quite enjoyed this read and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a YA Vampire love story.  The outcome was great and the author doesn't leave the reader hanging with impossible and unanswered  questions, everything is tied up nicely and leaves the reader wishing for more.

I enjoyed the writing style of author, Rusty Fischer, it was fresh and comedic in places.  I found the dialogue enjoyable as well as the characters.  I read this book in just a few hours, it has enough to keep the reader glued to the pages if you are reader of paranormal YA and I hope to read more from the Sisters. 

Though I figured out who the vampires were, it was still a great unfolding of events, the predictability didn't offend me as much as it usually does, for the writing style/technique more than makes up for anything that could be lacking to the reader.

I would give this a 4.5 out of five stars, I thought that it would have been more beneficial to have had more background information on Lily, Alice and  Cara, I just didn't feel for Alice and Cara as I felt I should have and I believe it was because I didn't know much about why they were there or what makes them tick.  I'm reading Rusty Fischer's "Zombies Don't Cry" and I must say he is a new YA paranormal favourite author of mine.  Keep up the groovy work Rusty~!! 

At the Afterlife Academy of Exceptionally Dark Arts, Lily Fielding is a measly trainee who dreams of one day becoming a Savior—those who visit vampire-infested high schools and put down the undead with their deadly crossbows. When Lily and her classmates Alice and Cara begin their latest assignment, it seems like just another run-of-the-mill gig: they’re to simply spot the Vamplayer—part vampire, part player—identify the popular girl he’s set his sights on, and befriend her before the Vamplayer can turn her to do his bidding. Before long, however, the Vamplayer sets his sights on Lily's friends, and she is left to face the threat alone while protecting her friends from the dark forces she has sworn to resist.

post signature ** Reviewed by I see it~!! **

1 comment:

  1. I found myself sucked into this book quickly and cruised through it in a short period of time. I never grew bored and it was pretty much steady action going on keeping me turning those pages. I really enjoyed Lily and her view point on things as well as her ability to kind of let things roll off her shoulders. She's been going into schools to look for these vamplayers for a very long time and when you've been a student for that long you really learn a lot.


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo