
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

PRODUCT REVIEW: Everest Nutrition Krill Oil

Everest Nutrition Krill Oil, found deep in the pure waters of the Antarctic, is a new generation of Omega-3's that far outweighs that of fish oil.  

According to independent labs, Everest Nutrition Krill Oil was found to be 54x MORE powerful in antioxidant activity than fish oil.

Krill, a shrimp like crustacean that lives deep in the oceans of the Antarctic, it has been discovered, can have some amazing affects on your body.  Benefits include a stronger heart, pain-free joints, a better mood, lowers cholesterol, aids in an easier menstruation cycle and provides overall better health.

Krill Oil has been found to be high in Omega-3's, especially EPA and DHA, the two essential fatty acids that your body requires to maintain excellent health.

The Krill Oil contains a rich supply of astaxanthin, a red pigment found in krill, shrimp, lobster, mussel, crab and other seafood sources.  It is a very powerful anti oxidant which can help clear your body of free radicals that contribute to various diseases and illnesses.  Plus, it also has many anti-aging capabilities.

I found the Krill Oil to be a remarkably fantastic product that held up to the qualities it advertises.  I used if for about two weeks when I began to notice the results in my health, as my overall being began to feel better.

I'm not one to take pills but I found myself faithfully taking the pills in order to continue with the added benefits that I was noticing.  Two a day with a meal seemed an easy enough task, however, I should make mention that they are large capsules, in case any of you may have issues with swallowing.

They have a very slight fishy flavour when you put them in your mouth, but absolutely no aftertaste or back flavour lingers.

Truly, if you are into nutrition and believe Omega-3's are a must in your dietary needs, than you should probably grab yourself some Krill Oil next time your out shopping, with 54x more than any other fish product its more than enough to impress.

post signature**  Reviewed by I see it~!!  **

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