
Monday, January 16, 2012

The Fast and the Furious – Advanced Driver Training in Style

The Fast and the Furious – Advanced Driver Training in Style
The skill of being able to handle a high-powered vehicle under extreme conditions is not just the preserve of F1 or Dakar Rally drivers. You too can lift your driving game to professional status in just a few short lessons.

1. Down On Skid Row

If you don’t quite have the nerve, or the points on your license to handle a skid round a corner on the motorway at 120mph then you can do it safely, under supervision and still feel the thrill of a handbrake turn. Skid Pan courses are some of the best fun and advanced driver training you can have legally.

The value of knowing how to handle yourself and your vehicle in a real life skid situation cannot be overemphasized. With Skid Pan Advanced Driver Training, you learn how to control a vehicle in a clean water skidpan with one-on-one driver instruction. While it might be fun to barrel round the track in a high performance sports car, the real skill is in learning how to control and safely manoeuvre a road car or family saloon in a hazardous situation.

2. Driving Drifting Days

Drifting is a term used to describe the direction that a vehicle takes when entering and exiting a turn. Drifting is also known as power sliding, and everybody who has seen any high speed car chase or watched the boys from Top Gear sliding out of a curve will want to learn how to do it with style. Drifting in a car is most easily achieved in a rear-wheel drive vehicle. More than just a great day out, when you experience the feeling of drifting in a car, and learn how you can control a vehicle while it is spinning can give you powerful skills in any inclement weather situations on slippery roads.

3. Advanced Driver Certification
If you use your car for work and want to get the lowest insurance premiums on your vehicle, you should consider investing in Advanced Driver Training. Many insurance companies recognise the value of being able to handle a vehicle on the roads and offer reduced premiums on the successful completion of an Advanced Driver Training course.

4. Stunts Supreme

If you fancy yourself a bit of a pro behind the wheel, then you have to experience what it is like to be a stunt driver for a day. These daredevil professional drivers risk life and limb to bring the most exciting techniques and driving scenes to the big screen. Screeching handbrake turns, parallel parking in one easy move. If you’ve seen it on film, you can live it at a stunt-driving course for the day.

Advanced Driver Training courses offer a host of corporate days for companies, as well as private parties and individual courses to suit your budget and your experience level. If you want to set your driving skills against something a little more real than a Granny in Grand Theft Auto, then Advanced Driving Training should be your next pit stop.

If you're a budding stunt driver, you're going to need some wheels. For great prices on used cars, drift over to

1 comment:

  1. Is is pretty cool driving lesson and i can the driving training is not so hard.Good one.


Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo