
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: Real-Eyez- Realize-Real-Liez by Robert A. Nelson

Real-Eyez Realize Real-Liez is an Urban Thriller Fiction.

The book situates around three main players, Zoey, the white girl who learned playing with the ghetto boys can end you up in a whole lot of troubles.  Riley, who ended up in prison and came out a saviour and Detective King who has fought to keep the drugs from touching his own life while watching humanity succumb around him.

Each of these three plays a role as the events unfold.  Zoey is a mixed up white girl whose life changes dramatically one night after she  visits her boyfriend and his friends at his crib.  On the way home she is accosted on a bus and the bus driver hands her a card that will change her way of thinking irrevocably.  On the same night, Riley has been arrested for drugs and after his first day in prison, he meets two people who will also change his life forever.  Detective King has just learned that someone in his family is using drugs and vows to stop them from ingesting more.

The tension builds as Riley becomes lieutenant in The Order, a group of templar like knights who vow to bring humanity back to the white race.  White power takes a backseat as white pride takes the forefront.  Riley works to bring the white people together so that they can lead the other races by example.  Setting up outreach centers, hospices, education retreats and more, the plan is beginning to work until Savage decides he wants his share.

Savage is a black youth with a huge power trip.  Not ony does he wish to control the gangs, he wants revenge on Zoey for a past discretion.  As he gathers his posse and makes his claim as the leader of the hood, the social system begins to break down as the gangs take over the streets.

White people are being killed at an alarming rate and the civil unrest develops in Washington, DC where the story unfolds.  Everything is annihilated as the gangs take to the streets, if they aren't killing someone, they are hopped up on drugs and looting everything they can.

As each of the characters come to a head and the conclusion unfolds, the players realize that only one man can remain standing.

I thought Real-Eyez Realize Real-Liez was a very gripping and gritty novel to peruse.  I found many parts of the story downright disturbing when one realizes that this is actually occurring on our streets, the Gangsta way of life has been glorified by the media for over a dozen years and people are drawn to its mystery.  However, to truly lead a gangsta life means short life spans and dodging bullets and this book truly finds the heart of the streets.

I thought the books cover doesn't do any justice to the story inside and quite frankly, I don't see the correlation.  I have asked several people to judge the books cover and not one got it right and after hearing what the book was about, each of them look at me in a bewildered way.

I found the characters to be intriguing, each one was believable in their roles.  I thought how they interacted with the plot was a perfect blend in order to keep your reading.  Their thoughts and actions continued to spur the story on and their tie-ins all worked properly.

I loved the fight scenes, they were filled with much graphic detail.  Whether it was fists flying or bullets, the scenes were climatic, graphic and your adrenaline raced as you perused the events. 

I would give Real-Eyez Realize Real-Liez a four out of five stars.  While I thoroughly enjoyed the read the editorial issues were astounding.  With some decent editing this book would be phenomenal.  I read so many books that this can be frustrating to someone such as myself.  I found myself rewording the passages and thinking, dang, if only...

I am looking forward to the next two books in the series, I just know that there is someone who is going to return even though from this books perspective, one may not think so but the scene was left open and if I can figure out a way to write the character back in, then I am quite sure author, Robert A. Nelson, can also.

The War for the heart of Urban America won t televise from some foreign shore. It ll be fought in your living room with dope, cash, blood and bullets. The American way of life has strayed into the shadows and one by one we re losing our children to the illusion of Hood Dreams and a Gangsta s Paradise. Only one man stands strong enough to hold back the tide. A renegade Aryan Prodigy and his crew, and an unfathomable amount of guns are all that protects the last shreds of civilization in the streets. The name Riley Bennett will echo through the ages as he who so loved his people that he d rather see the World in flames than see them suffer. The War is coming... Whither we re ready for it or not...

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** Disclosure: I did not accept any compensation from the sponsors other than review copies, my views are my own, reviewed by I see it~!! **

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