
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Two Question Thursday #3-52

This week I have been busy getting my wee ones ready for school...there are 4 of them still attending and my grand-daughter!!

My girls were thrilled to be going boys, well...they aren't thrilled with it but they are trying to pretend that they are...hehe

I remember getting ready for my first day, it was always nerve-wracking for me, we never had enough money for new backpacks, pencils and such and I was often the one in class who had to have someone take pity on them...UGH~!!   

My children are very lucky...with dollar stores and discount bargain box centers, the BTS supplies are VERY cheap these days...and they have yet to ever want for least I can do that for them~!!  :D

1.  Did you have anyone to get ready for school this year?
2.  What memory comes to mind of your first day back to school??

It's easy to join Thursday Two Questions Meme. 1) Post your own two  questions on your blog, 2) Have a link or badge on your post to Self and have fun visiting others.

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Please leave us some love...and have yourself a groovy day~!! Peaces...xoxo